March has been a gorgeous month in Glenshee, with sunshine and grass growing. Calving commenced mid-March and so far, so good. Calves are a good size and have great vigour. We have everything crossed that this beautiful weather continues to allow us to get them outside. Nothing brings on a cow and calf better than a bite of fresh grass.
Lambing is on the horizon, due to start middle of April. Davie has spent much of this month vaccinating ewes in preparation for lambing and it will be all go to get sheds organised and bring ewes expecting singles off the hill.
Not much to report with the deer, other than the yearling stags starting to grow velvet. Hinds are looking well and hopefully the majority are in calf. Now we have handling pens, it is our aim to scan our hinds in the future.
Andrew has completed his fencing project, now on to mounding and hopefully the planting of the trees. It’s a race against the lambing clock.